Matt Taylor, owner of Echo Lake Studios and Dusty Hayes, of Bongo Dog Designs offer live music video production for your band's live performance at Shoreline's amazing new music venue Aurora Borealis.
We offer a variety of packages below which can really help showcase your band. Get a smart professional looking video working for you to help you get gigs, to show your fans on social media or to put on your website today!

Check out a few of our video productions recorded at Aurora Borealis and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to see all our videos!
Nitewave - Girls on Film
Petty Thief and Friends montage
Rain City Rewind montage
1) one full song - $200
2) three full songs - $550
3) "Greatest Hits" montage (the most popular selection) including 20-30 second clips of up to seven songs - you choose which sections of which songs - $750
4) six full songs - $1,000
5) ten song "live album" - $1,500
Contact us for a more in-depth explanation of the montage service
- No video? No problem! We can mix your multi-track audio into great sounding tracks you can play or post anywhere (see below)
1) one full song - $100
2) three full songs - $275
5) "Greatest Hits" montage (the most popular selection) including 20-30 second clips of up to seven songs - you choose which sections of which songs - $375
4) six full songs - $500
5) ten song "live album" - $750
Contact us for a more in-depth explanation of the montage service
***other packages - please contact for a quote
Save up to $100
Purchase any package and we will deduct your raw venue footage fees!

Have some audio/video from elsewhere that you want turned into a video? Shoot us an email!